
Living Intelligence = Self-Resurrection + Self-Acculturation


The Holistic Pyramid of Self-Resurrection

Click on this title to read about five books on Self-Resurrection: Overview of five Books

This section presents the Holistic System of Self-Creation , created by Dr. Ray that thinks that at the time of the technological renaissance, we need to develop our selves in the physical, emotional, mental spiritual, and universal realms of life to go with the flow of the Super Artificial Intelligence development.

Self-Growth is Multi-Dimensional!

The five books, presented below are based on the Auto-Suggestive Psychology, introduced by Dr. Rimaletta Ray in five philosophical dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, mental, and universal.

Here is the link to the Video:

There is No System without the Structure!

The Levels of Self-Resurrection: / Stages: of Self-Growth / Books, featuring them:

5. Universal - Super-Consciousness
4. Spiritual - Self-Consciousness
3. Mental - Mind
2. Emotional - Spirit
1. Physical - Body


"Beyond the Terrestrial!"
"Living Intelligence"
"I Am Free to Be the Best of Me"

Body + Spirit + Mind + Self-Consciousness + Universal Consciousness = A Complete Individual -
A Spiritually Refined Fractal of You!

All five books are illustrated with pictures and backed up with inspirational boosters that Dr. Ray's students upload into their smart phones for their great inspirational value. So, the books are very technologically friendly and will work as the Self-Help .Hypnotherapy.


This Holistic Paradigm of books on Self-Resurrection has been presented at the Book Festival in Los Angeles, in April 2019, the New York Book EXPO in May 2019, and they will be displayed at the Toronto Book and Magazine Fair in September 2019/ Canada /, at the he Frankfurt International Book Fair in Germany in October,2019, and at Miami Book Fair International ,in November,2019.

To Self-Excel, Be the Best Version of Yourself!

Life-Gaining is in Self-Taming!

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